Islamic Modern
Michael G Peletz
Not Available
Migrants and Militants
Oskar Verkaaik
Muslim Politics
Dale F Eickelman and 1 more
Remaking Muslim Politics
Robert W Hefner
An Enchanted Modern
Lara Deeb
Growing Up Palestinian
Laetitia Bucaille
Schooling Islam
Robert W Hefner and 1 more
The Ulama in Contemporary Islam
Muhammad Qasim Zaman
Journeys to the Other Shore
Roxanne Leslie Euben
A Necessary Engagement
Emile Nakhleh
Muslim Lives in Eastern Europe
Kristen Rogheh Ghodsee
Princeton Readings in Islamist Thought
Roxanne Leslie Euben and 1 more
The Emancipation of Europe's Muslims
Jonathan Laurence
Identity and Religion in Palestine
Loren D Lybarger
Hamas and Civil Society in Gaza
Sara M Roy
The Makings of Indonesian Islam
Michael Francis Laffan
Muslim Nationalism and the New Turks
Jenny B White
Being German, Becoming Muslim
Esra Özyürek
Young Islam
Avi Spiegel
The Sunni Tragedy in the Middle East
Bernard Rougier
Augustus R Norton
The Making of the Modern Muslim State
Malika Zeghal
Terror in France
Gilles Kepel and 1 more